Monday, November 12, 2012

And Then It Happened Writing

Inspired by our author visit with Michael Wade, the intermediate classes have been writing their own "And Then It Happened" type stories. The stories begin as personal narratives, based on a typical everyday event in the students' lives such as walking to school, having breakfast, practicing the piano or  running at soccer practice. After the introductions, the stories soon take a Michael Wade twist and something "happens" to take the everyday to an adventure. The students are having fun embellishing the ideas in their stories and are working at writing with a humorous tone, not an easy thing to do!

This week, the students read one of their classmates' story drafts and gave two pieces of feedback based on the ideas in the stories. We're not so worried about punctation and spelling at this point - we're still trying to get the students to get their ideas flowing. The students gave a compliment or commented on something they liked about the story, Secondly, the students gave a suggestion for what might come next in the story. Providing an idea for someone else's story can be a hard thing to do but it helps writers things about what a reader might want or anticipate.

The students will be reading their classmates' feedback next week and then adding more to their stories. I will be taking writing submissions from all the intermediate classes for a Blair Library anthology of And Then It Happened stories.
~Ms Novakowski

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