Sunday, May 13, 2012

learning about Musqueam culture

Two weeks ago, I packed up the Musqueam kit we borrowed from the Richmond Museum. It has enabled us to help our students understand some of the traditional indigenous knowledge that is important in our area. We learned about how natural resources were used to create clothing, shelter, tools and cooking implements. The students were fascinated by the artifacts that highlighted the importance of fishing to the Musqueam peoples. The intermediate students also looked at historical photographs from the kit.

The students in division 4 and 5 were asked to synthesize what they learned or investigate a question they had and represent their learning on the iPads. The students in divisions 1, 2 and 3 developed inquiry questions based on their observations of the artifacts and photographs and were given a chance to investigate their questions using the iPads.

There is aboriginal content in the fine arts, science, social studies and language arts IRPs (curriculum guides) for our province. With the local signing of our Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement with the Musqueam First Nation, it is important that educators in Richmond schools develop an awareness and understanding of the local aboriginal culture for all of our students. This year, all classes (K-7) participated in a variety of experiences in the library related to Musqueam and other BC aboriginal cultures. More information about the Musqueam First Nation can be found on their website.

~Ms Novakowski

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