Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Scary Stories book launch

In the fall, division 3 wrote some scary stories after reading a "scary story" in the library and discussing the elements of the genre such as suspense, imagery and foreshadowing. The students worked hard to peer-edit and then wordprocess and proofread their editing. Ms Choo compiled the students' stories and we sent them off to an online publisher. I was so excited to open the box when the books arrived and see these amazing anthologies the students created.

Today, the we held a book launch in the library to introduce the students' published writing. Three teachers and their classes from the school attended along with some parents, Mr. Hoath and some special guests from our school district offices.

Two students from division 3 explained the writing process we used for these stories and then three student authors read their stories from the book.

The division 3 students seemed genuinely proud of their publication and were seen reading each others' stories in all parts of the library and as they walked back up the stairs to their classroom.
Two copies of the book were ordered for our library collection and will begin circulation next week. I had them out on the counter today and there is already a long waiting list!
 ~Ms Novakowski

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