Sunday, May 1, 2011

Puddleman by Ted Staunton

Last week, the primary classes read the picture book Puddleman by Ted Staunton. It seemed appropriate with all this puddley weather we've been having! Also, Blair Library is fortunate to be hosting a visit by Ted Staunton next week as part of Canadian Children's Book Week!
I told the students that when Miss McPherson and I went to university together to do our Bachelor of Education degrees, that this was one of the books we learned about in our reading course!

The students LOVED this book! I asked students from each class to do short video book reviews.

From division 7, Sarah and Liat:
From division 8, Andy and Areej:

From division 9, Creighton and Thomas:
And from division 10, Conner and Emily:

Hopefully, we won't have any puddlemen coming into the school!
Ms Novakowski

1 comment:

  1. What delightful reviews! Thanks for sharing these, Ms Novakowski. I think I need to go reread Puddleman now...
    Tara Williston, Canadian Children's Book Week Coordinator for the Lower Mainland
