Friday, February 18, 2011

Chocolate Lily Book Awards: Bradley McGogg, the Very Fine Frog

This week the primary classes read Bradley McGogg, the Very Fine Frog by Tim Beiser. The students thought this story was quite funny and they enjoyed the rhymes. There was lots of great vocabulary to introduce and lots of personal connections about the different foods that animals and people eat!
The students wrote their reviews this week on a chart in the library.
I have a feeling this one might be a contender for our school's nomination for the award!
Ms Novakowski

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Tim Beiser, the author of "Bradley McGogg, the Very Frog." I am absolutely delighted that all of you enjoyed my very silly poem (and those wonderful illustrations by my friend Rachel Berman). If any of your students in the future would like to write to me, I'd be thrilled to respond. My email address is:
