Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Drawing Frogs on the iPads

We have a new series of drawing books in the library published by AV2Books. They have some factual information about each subject followed by step-by-step drawing instructions but what makes these books unique is that for each book there is a special book code that your enter on the website and then you can access more information. There are website links, videos to watch, etc.

On Monday, division 4 brought their one-on-one iPads to the library and I shared the Pets book from the series. We drew the tree frog step-by-step using one of the drawing apps. The students needed to make decisions about what drawing tools and effects they would use. They also searched Google Images for photographs of different tree frogs.

I'll be watching to see how the students are using these new books at home and at school to see if we should be ordering some more!
~Ms Novakowski

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