Sunday, November 20, 2011

speed booking

Last Monday, divisions 1 and 2 took part in "speed booking" where they were introduced to 4 or 5 books for about 2 minutes each. I put a collection of about 20 books on each table. Some of the books were new to the library, some were classics that the students might not be familiar with and some were from series really popular a few years ago when this group of students would have been too young to read them.

The idea was to "introduce yourself to a new book" and read the front and back covers and then start reading the first chapter. Then, time was up after a couple of minutes and each student put their book back and chose a new one. After 4 or 5 introductions, the students at each table discussed the books and decided on one or two to recommend to the whole class.

At the end of our "speed booking" event, I asked the students if they had met any new books that they would like to continue reading, and most raised their hands to say they had. Mission accomplished!
~Ms Novakowski

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